If you want to learn how to do an online tutorial, there are some basic steps you must take. You should learn the names of your students and plan the tutorial accordingly. You can use name tents, return assignments personally, and ask your students by name. When you make the students feel like you know them, they will be more likely to see you as a serious and reliable tutor. If they notice you are not there, they will leave comments and be suspicious of your motives.

Create a good video tutorial

If you want to create an online video course that your audience will actually want to watch, screencasting is an excellent choice. Screencasting allows you to show your audience what you’re teaching in real time. You can find a lot of free screencasting software online. Screencasting software allows you to add a voice to your visuals, which replicates the feeling of a personalized lecture. Video-based courses are among the most popular types of online classes because they are visually compelling and easy to follow.

Plan a good asynchronous tutorial

To create an effective asynchronous online tutorial, you must first know the objectives and goals of your course. This is because the main goal of a tutorial is to help your students learn something, and asynchronous modes are less interactive. In addition, asynchronous online tutorials need to be responsive to student needs and questions without losing the “just-in-time” aspect of a lesson. You can make the tutorial more interactive by including videos, a collaborative document, and a discussion board.

In addition to engaging learners, an asynchronous course requires frequent feedback from both the instructor and the students. Feedback is essential for learning in any format, so it is vital that you give it on a timely basis. In an asynchronous online tutorial, you should aim to give feedback before the next due date. Feedback should be specific and crafted to foster further improvement. Including discussion boards or forums is also helpful. Meaningful feedback helps build the relationship between the instructor and learner, as it contributes to feelings of validation and self-efficacy.

Plan a good discussion-based tutorial

The planning of a good discussion-based online tutorial begins with defining the goal of the discussion. It should be clear what you want students to learn, whether that is to solve a mathematical problem or to analyze a piece of art. Once you have defined your objectives, you can plan the types of discussion activities that will be most effective in meeting those goals. Below are some tips for planning discussion activities. Read on to learn more.

The planning of the discussion can be made easier by defining a specific goal. This goal must be accompanied by an activity or problem. Make sure the student is ready for the discussion. It may be beneficial to create a whiteboard activity, or use Google Forms. These forms are easy to create and process, and they offer a variety of format options. The teacher’s presence is key to the success of the discussion. Remember to consider who is speaking most, and announce each section clearly.

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